Tuesday, 29 July 2014

Hello, it's summer!

Hello and I hope everyone is enjoying their summer. I know I am after having attended my mothers wedding. After 20 odd years she and my stepped finally tied the knot and their wedding was great. Of course, it was also really nice to see the jewellery I'd made worn to such a special occasion.
Summer is great but also very slow for me as trying to work and entertain 3 children who have varying interests can be a challenge to say the least, but this gorgeous weather is certainly great for going out and living on the coast means there is always something to inspire me. My notebook is full of ideas just waiting for me to bring them to life. For now though, reality and the children beckon so until next time, and I hope you all have a fabulous summer,
Yvonne Jones.
Alarm Clock Earrings

Socialite and Swarovski Bracelet

Citrine and Swarovski Bracelet

Gladstone and Swarovski Bracelet

Mother of Pearl and Swarovski Bracelet

Saturday, 5 July 2014

Hello again! At last!

Hello everyone!
So sorry for the long absence.Had my operation but then had complications after being discharged when one of the 3 wounds got infected. Been a very long and tedious process regarding recovery and still got 2 or 3 weeks until I reach the 6 week post op stage.
Right now I have joined the loom band craze. I am addicted to making loom band bracelets and have started using charms on them as well which is great although I have yet to put pictures onto my computer I have put some on my Facebook page if you want to pop over and have a look.
My creating time has been really limited thanks to being unable to bend and get my supplies from where they are kept. I am still having to rely on my oldest child to help me reach my supplies which is rather awkward. I know he doesn't mind but when a 31 year old has to rely on the help of an 8 year old it's clearly not a great situation. Still, at least I can do some creating when he's able to help me reach my items.
As you can imagine, I don't really have much to show on here yet but hopefully I will be back to proper creating withing the next week or so and sorry again for the prolonged absence from here.
Until next time,
Yvonne Jones

Friday, 13 June 2014

Back from hospital.

Hello again.
Sorry for the lack of posts from me. Went into hospital for my operation Tuesday, came home Wednesday and now just recovering and trying to rest at home. Hopefully I will be back creating soon...all depends when I can reach my craft bits. As I can't really do any bending or lifting it could be a few days yet.
Couldn't just stop updating on here, I have really missed creating jewellery so hopefully the next few days will pass by relatively quickly. I'm glad the operation is over and done with as I know that it will mean the end of the pain I've been dealing with for years but hospitals are not a place of comfort. Glad to be home where I can now focus on recovering.
Going to keep this brief as I must follow orders and ensure I get enough rest to heal properly but I will be back on soon.
Until next time,
Yvonne Jones
Opalite Chip Earrings

Friday, 30 May 2014

Signing off for the next 2 weeks now.

The past 2 weeks have been a blur of appointments, and childrens activities. Their social calendar is so full, cubs, beavers and such like. So much going on and still so much to do. I am just a week away from my operation now and with everything that still needs to be done I think it is only fair that I sign off for the next 2 weeks.
Until next time,
Yvonne Jones
Aaquamarine, Amethyst and Rose Quartz Chip Bracelet.

Amethyst and Rose Quartz Bracelet.

Carnelian and Garnet Bracelet.


Thursday, 22 May 2014

Just 2 weeks to go...

until I go in for my op.
Hello! Not going to be around much for the next 3 weeks as I have a lot to do before I go in and a bundle of appointments to get through first. All in all it is going to be a very busy few weeks so I will not be around on here much.
Got a few minor supplies in today so that I am all ready to continue creating when I am discharged which will be pretty much all I can do at first. Luckily my parents will be having my kids but my oldest boy has insisted he comes homes when I do so he can help me out. Bless him. Such a little man of the house.
I have a few plans and ideas I want to work on when I get out including a tiara as a lot of people seem to have liked my other one so I've been looking at ideas for a different design and have finally hit upon one I like but am keeping it for when I get out so that I have a focus and a plan. Save me getting bored or turning my brain to mush in front of the tv...not that there is much to turn to mush at the moment due to a lack of sleep. Speaking of sleep...probably be a good idea if I went and got some now. Will be back creating soon and posting pictures of new items as well.
Until next time,
Yvonne Jones


Sunday, 11 May 2014

Well, now to get prepared for June.

Well, not much new to share as the past week has flown by. Had the boys birthday party which they loved...although I am still trying to get my head around them being 8 and 6 now.
Since then, other than noting down ideas and the ongoing appointments, I have not had much time for anything else and am currently preparing for the operation. I know most people would be rather nervous but I am just excited. The idea of losing the pain is fantastic and I can't wait to get it over and done with so I can recover and get on with being a normal mum, running around after my kids rather than being immobilised every so often when the pain strikes.
So, right now my life consists of preparing, buying school uniform ready for September when my daughter starts school and going through supplies and keeping my ideas book updated. Of course, I will still be creating but with eveything going on I may have to leave updating my listings until after the operation and of course, I will not be able to update my blog while in hospital. I will be on before then with any luck but at the start of June I will be in vacation mode until I am discharged and fit for work again.
Until next time,
Yvonne x

Friday, 2 May 2014

So much to do!!

Oh wow, I have been so busy. Been noting down ideas and getting new supplies ready for some creating soon. Just had my oldest sons birthday and my younger sons is on Friday. Luckily they are having their joint birthday party tomorrow but now I feel old. I think I may have missed a few years. It feels like only yesterday I held my oldest for the very first time and now he's 8. The years have passed by so fast!!
    Also means I have been making jewellery for the past 4 years. I can't believe how fast those years have passed. They have been a long journey and I've learnt a lot but there is always something new to learn. I have been reading up on so many exciting techniques which are new to me and I can't wait to give them a try.
The wonderful thing about making jewellery is that with every technique learnt, the range of products I can make grows and the only limit is my imagination and ability which is fantastic. When I'm out I love to people watch, see what jewellery people are wearing and things. Fashion magazines are great but sometimes, the best way to learn what people like to wear is to stop and look around when out and about.
That said I admit I don't really go out socially. Depression and anxiety sees to that and I hate the stigma attached to it. Just like everyone else, I'm a person with feelings. The depression and anxiety simply mean I find it difficult to socialise and chat with people face to face but it doesn't make me any different to anyone else. Lately my life has been a whirlwind of school runs and hospital appointments to get ready for June and my operation. Strange as it may seem, I can't wait for the operation. To get rid of the pain and be a normal mum is something I've wanted since my oldest was born, this operation will finally give me that chance so while I am dreading leaving my children, I look forward to losing the pain and enjoying doing all the things I've missed out on with them up til now. Being on bed rest will also give me ample time to learn new techniques and create...exciting times await.
Beaded Fairy Doll

Teapot Earrings

Beaded Kumihimo Bracelet

Brown and White Feathered Dream Catcher

Monday, 21 April 2014

Easter Holiday Chaos

Well, thank goodness Easter is drawing to a close. Working from home with 3 children running around has been impossible. Managed to make 2 bracelets, that's all. Children, beads and other craft bits while trying to concentrate are not a good mix. Ever. On the plus side the 2 bracelets I did make are gorgeous and look fabulous. Good job as tomorrow is going to be busy in other ways due to a hospital appointment. Could be interesting...hospital appointment with 2 young children tagging along. Ah well, such is life. At least once I get home I will be able to get the day finished then get back to creating after that. Hopefully the younger 2 won't mind a quick visit to the supply shop as I need to stock up on a few things. Am sure I can bribe them with something. In the meantime, I better go prepare for the crazy day in store tomorrow.
Until next time,
Yvonne Jones

Sunday, 13 April 2014


 Well, the sun is out and it's another beautiful day. I have been working hard and doing some research lately. My new product is almost complete, it's just been sent to my mother so she can make....a little outfit. Yes, I am working on adding a beaded doll! If it gets any likes when I put it on my shop then I may consider adding more as it was such fun to make. Obviously it's a joint effort, as my lovely mum is great at sewing.
  I've also made some more beaded flower earrings in yellow, gold and pink to go with this wonderful sunny weather. The children have been enjoying the weekend with their father which has been great for them. Great for me to as I have been able to do my research. All I need now is some courage to approach local gallery shops to see if they would be interested in taking on my work. I love my work and I know it's good but finding the courage to approach places is very different from people browsing my shop when they decide to. The whole concept is rather daunting so research is required.
In the meantime, I will leave you with some of my latest clay items.
Until next time,
Yvonne Jones


Sunday, 6 April 2014

New product almost done!

Well, I have been working on a new product to join the rest of my work and it is very nearly complete. I can't wait until it is finished. If it sells then I will most definitely be producing more. I have had so much fun making it.
Today has been rather unproductive due to the kids having passed on the sickness bug they had last week...thanks kids! I will be making up for this tomorrow however as I have so many ideas. I just hope the children let me get some work done. Easter holidays are upon us and I hope I can keep the kids entertained for the next 2 weeks, usually get past the first few days then they start complaining of being bored...as kids do.
My oldest loves to peruse through my things and see if he can "help" while the the other 2 have a look and either fiddle with the beads before wandering off to do something else or wind me up to the point where I get fed up with them and send them to play in the garden. Kids eh!
Well, I best go and make sure I recover properly from this stupid bug so I can get on with things tomorrow.
Until next time,
Yvonne x

Beaded Doll Ornament...not yet complete.

Beaded Doll Ornament.
Just awaiting a face and clothes.


Thursday, 3 April 2014

Lots going on!

I have been working on a new project lately. A beaded product but not jewellery this time. I don't want to give too much away yet but when it is complete I will post some pictures. It's a lot of fun to make and that's what I love about what I do...there is always potential to try something new and expand with different items. I'm so looking forward to getting this new project finished and put on my Etsy shop.
Outside of my work however things have been rather challenging...since last Thursday I feel like I've been on non stop clean up duty thanks to a sickness bug. All 3 kids have been ill so I'm hoping tonight might be the night when all this sickness stops...even if it's just for tonight. Looking forward to getting some sleep. Also had my operation date through which is fantastic. As of June 10th I can wave goodbye (incredibly happily, I hasten to add) to the dreadful pain that keeps stopping me in my tracks. The only down side is that I will be unable to take any orders that day and for about 3 days afterwards. On the up side, the pain will go and it is scheduled for after my boys party so I can still be there for that. All good really when you look at it like that.
   If my new product looks good I will be making more and a variety as well. After all, beads and components are not just limited to jewellery but a whole world of options if you care to see them...and I certainly want to see what I can do and where it can take me so there's only one way to find out.
Speaking of taking, I have renamed my Etsy shop in keeping with my Facebook page to make it easier. My new link is below. Feel free to go and have a browse around. There may be a treasure you love just waiting for you to snap it up!
Until next time,
Yvonne Jones. :-)


Sunday, 30 March 2014

Busy week!

Well, since the grading it has been a busy time. Made some lovely earrings for my shop and of course, 2 gorgeous pairs for my wonderful mum as I wanted to give her something special for mothers day.
Aside from work, I have the had the dubious pleasure of having to deal with forms to change doctors as I needed a surgery in the same town. Between, work, children's activities and of course, the boring mundane regular chores I think I've lost track of time...where did it go??? Next big event here is my boys birthday party. As they are close together the boys are having a joint party...I just hope I can actually make it and that I don't get booked in for my op on the Friday (usually the way my luck runs, any parent will know that if you book something, there will usually be something else about to crop up) but I will be sorting out party bags etc in the run up. That way, should the worst happen, at least it will all be covered.
Had a great mothers day. Gave my mum her present which she loved. She and my step dad also bought me (from the kids, of course) some beautiful jewellery making items which I can't wait to use! Hoping to add something a little different to my shop soon as well, already designing it so hoping to put it to the test and make it soon. As for right now, I best get ready to get some sleep before the school runs. Not sure if I'm looking forward to or dreading the Easter holidays. I love my kids but does any other parent find that about 2 days into the holiday, the kids are suddenly bored and anything us parents suggest is either boring or uncool?? Ah well, that's kids for you I guess. Until next time,
Yvonne Jones
Star Flower Earings

Spring Flowers Earrings
Spring Flowers Earrings


Saturday, 22 March 2014

Grading day! We did it!!

Wow! The last few weeks of hard training have paid off. Today was The Day. Grading Day. My oldest and I had our Shotokan Karate grading. At one point I was sure I had failed but, by some miracle, I passed and have now got my next belt. My oldest also managed to get the intermediate level and also got a new belt. So proud of him. Karate is a wonderful thing to do and it really builds confidence but it is not easy and I can only afford once a week rather than the twice weekly training the others do o for him to get the intermediate belt is really something. I'm so proud of him. I, on the other hand, was so nervous that before grading, I had to come and make some jewellery just to calm myself down.
I have to admit though, I am glad I have managed to get my next belt, given that I will be going in for my op soon and will then be unable to train for 6 weeks while recovering. I only hope that it's scheduled either for after my sons' birthday party or that I am out in time to attend their party. They have a joint party as they are so close together. I hope I'm able to attend but I will just have to see what happens. At the end of the day, without the op I will remain a woman in constant pain and unable to do much and I want better than that for my kids. I want to be a proper mum and able to run around and play with my kids, not sit on the sidelines looking miserable. The things we parents do for our children..!
Until next time,
Semi Precious Stone Earrings

Semi Precious Stone Earrings

Semi Precious Stone Bracelet
Semi Precious Stone Earrings
Semi Precious Stone Earrings

Sunday, 16 March 2014

Working hard!

Been a busy week here. As I'm due to go to hospital for an operation soon (appointment to see the surgeon on Aprl 22nd) I've been working on a special jewellery set. It's special because it's a wedding gift for someone very dear to me. As with all my work, it has to be perfect so I have been getting input from the lovely bride to be to ensure that the jewellery is absolutely perfect.
It has turned out really well and all that is left to make is the earrings which is great. I will also be taking bits with me so I can work from hospital but to ensure this set is perfectly made and well before needed I wanted to do this set soon. Only having the earrings left to make is pretty good going. I've also made a vintage style bracelet as well and hope to make some more items. Making jewellery is not only work, but also a joy and very theraputic. Lucky me, to love what I do so much!
Until next time,
Yvonne Jones x
Spring Flowers Bracelet

Twin Bead Bracelet

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Lots to do in the next few weeks!

Hello everyone!
Wow, it has been a busy time. I have added to my Beaded Flower Collection which I have made ready for spring and have so much more to do, not just business related but personally too, in the next few weeks.
As I am due an operation soon, I need to really train hard to pass my next grading and hopefully get my next belt in karate class. I also have a lot to prepare ready for my parents as they are kindly looking after my children when I go into hospital. I have been waiting for this operation for so long but, now it is finally looming near, I have to admit to being a little nervous. I will be taking some crafting bits with me so I don't get bored when I am on the ward recovering but my biggest concern is missing my children. I'm so used to reading with them each night and spending my time running around after them, it is going to be very strange being alone and not able to do much for at least a few days, possibly longer.
  On the plus side at least once it's all over this pain that has been dominating my life will be gone and I can do much more with them. I will also no doubt get an awful lot of work done while I will be stuck in bed at hospital or home alone as there will be no distractions.
Me and my children

Beaded Flower Ring

Angel Necklace


Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Now on Folksy!!

Hello everyone!
Well, yesterday was spent checking my stock and listing my items on Folksy, meaning I am now selling my work on Etsy, Facebook and Folksy. I knew I had a few items up but I didn't realise I had quite so many. Re-listing took pretty much the entire afternoon. On the plus side I am now on a 3rd site and have a little notebook full of items, prices and shipping costs which is much easier than going from one computer tab to the next. Many thanks to my daughter for donating her Disney Princess notebook to me so that I could have that information to hand. That will also make it easier when the fairs start up around here and I need prices to hand.
I had a friend ask me how I find the time for my business, given that it's so new and I have 3 little ones. My answer was that what started as a hobby has become a passion. Quite often I can start something in the early evening and still be sat, surrounded by supplies working until very late at night. In any other job I would likely feel bored and under valued as I did in most jobs when I was employed but this is different. Yes, sometimes I wake up wondering why I bothered going to bed after only getting 2 hours or so sleep but I don't regret doing it as I would if I were doing overtime as I did before and the reason is simple. This time, I love what I do. I'm not working only for someone to moan. Yes, granted I can quite often work late, forget to have lunch and that sort of thing but I am content and my heart and soul goes into my work which is much better than going to work, having handover or a meeting, feeling I've been moaned at before I've even started and so get to work on a bad note. It doesn't matter how much time I spend working now because the end result is a beautiful item and the satisfaction from having created it is immense. That is how I have time for starting my business and my children.
Life is too short to be stuck in a job that you don't love forever. If you have a talent for something and a desire to use it then the only way you will ever know if you can is to try. At the end of the day, I have a strong desire to make my business work and time will tell if I can do that. If I don't, at least I can say I gave it my all. That is what my customers get from me. Not just an item but a piece of a soul, so to speak. Everything I have goes into making my work, attention, time, effort, love, dedication to making the item just so. 
So there you have it, like gems, life is precious. Unlike gems, it can't be replaced so always make the most of it. I didn't for so long thanks to an unpleasant past but now I can honestly say I look forward to the future and whatever it may hold...so long as it means I can continue making jewellery that is!
Until next time,
Yvonne Jones
Teapot earrings

Sunday, 2 March 2014

New collection.

Wow! I have been so busy. Most of the past week has been spent designing a Beaded Flower Collection for my shops, Evie J's Jewell Box on Etsy, Facebook and, since this afternoon, Folksy. It has certainly kept me busy but has been so worth it.
My beautiful Beaded Flower Collection is now on display and ready to order. It took a while to get it right and then create it but I finally got there. Between designing, creating and the children I've almost forgotten to do anything else, as my oldest made me realise when he came down a few evenings ago asking if was going to go to bed. I said in a moment and his response was "well it is midnight, you started on that halfway through watching The Simpsons, don't you think you should get some sleep?". Oops! Hadn't realised I'd been at it for that long. I guess that is what happens when you have a job you really enjoy which I am lucky enough to be able to say I do. Some dreams can come true...provided you are willing to forgo the sleep and put in the effort and money.
Luckily, my son saw the funny side, well, he did in the morning anyway. My children may be young but I am lucky that even they support me. They may hate the very sight of my computer but they do understand that it is necessary and I am very grateful that they often play so nicely together so I can do the job I love, even when they are home. Following dreams doesn't just mean having support from other adults, our childrens love and support is also invaluable.
Until next time,
Yvonne Jones
Beaded Flower Bracelet


Thursday, 20 February 2014

Creating in half term.

Hello everyone!
Sorry for the absence. Half term is not a friendly time for mums like me. Working with 3 children underfoot can be a bit of a nightmare, especially as a collective groan goes up every time I switch the computer on. It has not stopped me creating however. Beaded flower earrings have recently been made and I am off hunting new supplies over the weekend.
I love shopping for new supplies as I never know what I may find. No matter how often I go, there is always something new that just begs to be bought and used. Of late I have been using my clay an awful lot which has been great as there is so much that can be done with it....naturally I also must get more of that as well.
So, despite half term and numerous childrens activities (they have such busy social lives, much more so than their mother) I have still managed to create items. I must say, the week has been full on with all the things my children have had going on. I was rather moved when my oldest picked me for his project subject, given that his project was for an inspirational person. I thought his choice would have been his favourite band, One Direction. I would not go as far as to say I was inspirational as I merely do what thousands, if not millions of mothers up and down the country do but it was still sweet of him. Now...back to seeing what journey my items will take me on next.

Until next time,
Yvonne Jones


Wednesday, 12 February 2014


Hello people!
Hope you have all had a great time. With Mother's Day fast approaching I have been researching the best materials to make a special present for my mother. Anyone else ever wonder what to get? After all, for me, my mother does so much for me I can't really imagine what I'd do if she wasn't around. How do you show a lifetime of appreciation to someone so special? Obviously, as a daughter I try to show her throughout the rest of the year but on mother's day what is the best way to show you care, or in my case, which piece of jewellery has she not got and which item would she like the most.
With that in mind I have spent the past few days researching. It seems jewellery is a very popular present to give to our mothers but making it personal adds that extra touch. A favourite colour or style, a particular length. Little things that may not seem like much but can make all the difference.
Well, I am off to get some sleep before another day of research and making begins...or at least, I hope to sleep, children depending. Don't you just hate winter bugs going around?
Until next time,
Yvonne x


Saturday, 8 February 2014


Hello people!
Hope you have all had a great week. I have been thinking up new ideas as to what to make. My latest creation is, as yet not photographed, due to the children returning home from school and my time being taken up with cooking and running around after them. However, the beautiful little silver edged fimo star earrings and the star pendant look absolutely lovely.
The downfall of working from home is that my little ones do tend to get in the way. Take now for instance, I am on here, sitting at the table and attempting to design leaflets while my children are building a den around me. Not the easiest environment in which to work yet somehow I am managing it although this looks to be a relatively short post due to the disruption.
I have had some of my earlier work photographed and can finally display my Flower Tiara on here so I will leave you with a picture of that and the promise to return soon with more displays, ideas and probably more wondering how I manage to start setting up while juggling the children and general day to day chores. As difficult as it is though, setting up my own business is a dream come true. Despite the hard work involved I get to do something I am passionate about and work hours set by myself, even if that means working late into the night. To anyone else thinking they want to but can't, you can if you really want. Follow your dreams and go for it.
Until next time,
Yvonne Jones


Sunday, 2 February 2014

Setting up a business with kids.

Hope you all had a great day. I must say, being called boring by my kids didn't really make me feel too great about myself today. My three little ones think I spend too much time on my computer and making jewellery. This coming from the children who can barely tear themselves away from their gadgets after homework each day.
I guess they have a point though. I spent the whole day clearing up and running around after them then as soon as they'd eaten and bathed I was on here looking through my Etsy shop and my Facebook page. How do you explain to children that you work so hard for them? I guess I will have to wait until they are older and doing similar things themselves before they fully understand. I knew setting up a business and juggling motherhood was never going to be easy but it is a challenge I fully intend to rise to.
My children provide a lot of inspiration as well which has taught me to always have pen and paper to hand, wherever we may be. Last time I had a great idea we were all at a nearby childrens play centre. Jotting my idea down on a napkin was the only way I could ensure I would remember my idea. Ball pit earrings were then designed and made back home but the point is inspiration can come at anywhere, anytime and from anything, like it did for me when I was watching my children playing in the ball pool.

Myself and the ones I work for

Well, this has turned out to be more of a personal post but then again, I did say it was a way of learning more about me and my life. While making jewellery is my business, I am first and foremost a mother. I do however promise to blog soon with details of my work. 
Until next time, 
Yvonne Jones xx
Pink heart earrings with silver leaf edging.


Saturday, 1 February 2014

First time blogging

Welcome to my first blog post. My name  is Yvonne Jones and I run an online jewellery business which can be found on Facebook and Etsy. I live in Kent with my 3 children and only stumbled onto jewellery making by chance.
A few years ago I was going through a really bad patch and we all know how bad the job situation is. If you want a job you need certain qualifications and if you don't have them, regardless of how much experience you have, employers don't want to know. That was the situation I found myself in as I hadn't worked or years after having my children. Suddenly, my world was turned upside down. I wanted to get a job but no relevant qualifications and no money to fund a course to get them.
Feeling low, I went shopping with my sister and she took me into a bead shop. Back then that was rather funny as I considered anything arty or crafty to be totally beyond me, however, I made a few purchases and when I got home I sat down and played around with them. The result surprised me as I had made a beautiful necklace, earrings and bracelet set.
Well that was that, I became hooked and have been making jewellery ever since, using new techniques and creating a variety of different styled pieces. When people I know started buying my work I realised that perhaps this was something I could put to good use. I may not have relevant qualifications to attract an employer but I can create lovely jewellery and sell it to others who appreciate it. That's how I started jewellery making and how my idea of turning my hobby into a business came about. If you would like to see my work you can find it using the following links: www.facebook.com/YvonnesJewells and www.etsy.com/shop/YvonnesJewells.
Until next week,
Yvonne Jones                                  
Honey Quartz and swarovski elements set.